Completed and Ongoing Projects
Clean Energy: Ongoing Clean Energy project at Madrid, Spain $89 million USD
Solar Plant: Solar Plant farm at Cape Town, South Africa $43 million USD
Gas Pipeline : Transcontinental Gas Pipeline laying, Kiev, Ukraine $105 million USD
Hydro Pump Storage Power Plant in Tunisia $105 million USD
Mexico 4 facilities-Purchase of Mexican grown tomatoes, rice, vegetables, fruits, sugar, corn, beans, flour: $500K to $8 million USD
USA 4 facilities-Importation of US grown corn, rice, beans, almonds, pistachios, sorghum: $2 million to $27 million USD
Vietnam 2 facilities-Importation of rice from Vietnamese and Hindi brokers: $750K to $6 million USD.
Gasoline 3 facilities-Direct purchase of gasoline from Pemex to service gas stations: $5 million to $6 million USD
Diesel 1 facility-Purchase of diesel tank refueling from a Mexican Diesel broker: $400K USD
Marine diesel 1 facility-Purchase of Mexican marine diesel for a vessel fleet: $10 million USD
Polyethylene 6 facilities-Purchase of polyethylene from a Mexican dealer of Pemex by-product: $200K to $6 million USD